2025 Haiku Contest 

In NC schools



Grades 6-9

1st Place
Hartford Bapat

9th Grade - Wakefield High School

Papillon de Vie

Léger comme un rêve
Vole au gré des saisons
La vie s’envole.

Judges Comments

The comparison of the butterfly to a dream emphasizes its ephemeral and weightless essence, while the shifting seasons symbolize the passage of time. The final line, "La vie s'envole," delivers a poignant reflection on the transient nature of existence.

2nd Place
Matilda Schmidt

7th Grade - Oberlin Middle School

Papillon de Nuit

Par la fenêtre,
Ailes grises dans la nuit
Tu voles, ébloui.

Judges Comments

This haiku stands out for its unique perspective. By choosing a moth, the poem challenges expectations and paints a more subdued yet equally enchanting picture. The final line, "Tu voles, ébloui," adds depth, capturing the moth’s hypnotic attraction to light, almost like a dreamlike trance. 

3rd Place
Zachary Paynter

9th Grade - Wakefield High School

Papillon Divin
Aile magique
Couleur exquise d' arc-en- ciel
Beauté sereine

Judges Comments

This poem flows effortlessly, mirroring the lightness of the butterfly, elevating it to a divine and almost mystical presence. The imagery of "aile magique" and "couleur exquise d'arc-en-ciel" evokes a sense of wonder and delicacy, while "beauté sereine" brings a feeling of peace and transcendence.  

Grades 10-12

1st Place
Eliauna Lopez

11th Grade - Wakefield High School

Baiser du printemps
Papillon d'amour
Effleure mon jour en rêve
Léger mais oh! si doux!

Judges Comments

The title and the phrase "Papillon d'amour" set a romantic tone, while "Effleure mon jour en rêve" enhances the dreamlike quality of the haiku.  The exclamation in the final line, "Léger mais oh! si doux!" captures an emotional intensity, emphasizing how even the lightest touch of love can leave a deep impression. 

2nd Place
Hayden Dean

12th Grade - Mooresville High School

Qui se perd
Battements des ailes
Le voleté des couleurs
Perdu en un instant

Judges Comments

This haiku captures the fleeting beauty of motion and color, much like a butterfly disappearing in an instant. It evokes a sense of impermanence and the delicate balance between presence and absence. The imagery of fluttering wings and shifting colors suggests both wonder and melancholy.

3rd Place
Anjali Clapp

12th Grade - Mooresville High School

Papillon de papier
Froissé et plissé
Il vole à travers la vie
Évitez la pluie, bête!

Judges Comments

This haiku beautifully personifies a delicate paper butterfly, emphasizing its fragility and resilience as it navigates life’s challenges. The imagery of creased and folded wings gives a sense of careful craftsmanship, while the warning to avoid the rain adds a touch of playfulness and urgency.

Congratulations to all winners!